Christmas Planning – 6 December 2009

It’s been a busy week with Christmas parties and school events…Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday! 🙂 And today, Sunday, I took a couple of girlfriends with me on a day trip to Sweden. A mere half hour by train and we were whisked away from Copenhagen over the bridge and under ‘the Sound’ to Malmö for a spot of shopping, lunch at café Gozzip then coffee and cake at the oldy-worldy Hollandia. And, being the nice mummies we are, we of course picked up a bag of godis (Swedish candy) for our kids (waiting patiently back in Denmark) from Gottelisa 🙂

I haven’t yet finished the Christmas cards, so that’s my first job this week.

But I have put a few meals in the freezer to keep us going over the next couple of weeks.

And the garden and house are decorated. I don’t put out too many ornaments in the living room. The tree (which we’ll buy around the 20th of December) is the main thing  but I do get out all our red cushions and giant red floor cushions – plus lots of candles and clementines (which disappear faster than snow off a dyke) – so it’s feeling very ‘Christmassy’ already.

Not long now til my family arrives from Scotland for a 10 day visit, so I’m also pushing on with the decluttering 😉

Don’t forget to go and see how Krista, Candace and Pippa are doing with their Christmas prep.

Happy Sunday! 🙂