Savoury Cheese Crisps

It’s Saturday afternoon and, after a very successful Christmas shopping expedition with DD7, we are now on to baking some Christmas goodies. Going to bake a few right now, so you can see how they look, but the rest is going in the freezer.

These are Savoury Cheese Crisps. Basically a copycat recipe of my Shortcut Shortbread. Except, of course, it’s savoury!

Here’s the basic recipe – just halve or double up as necessary. Even I can do the maths on this one… πŸ˜‰

You’ll need (equal quantities of):

  • 100g or 4oz cheese (I used cheddar)
  • 100g or 4oz butter
  • 100g or 4oz flour (I used plain white)

Roughly chop the cheese and butter into big chunks and tip it into your food processor. Add the flour. Whizz until the mixture forms a ball and does the ‘wheel of death’ thing. Don’t let it run too much. Not because it harms the dough in any way but because the butter will soften, leave streaky marks on the blender bowl and generally make the washing up part afterwards more difficult… πŸ˜‰

Put the dough into a plastic freezer bag. I normally grab the dough using the plastic bag as a kind of glove – that way I don’t even get my hands all sticky!

Work the dough (in the plastic bag) into a long sausage shape. Then put it into the fridge to rest for about 45 minutes, or straight into the freezer for later use.

Clean the kitchen decks, turn on the oven to 190c/375f and cover a baking tray with baking paper. Remove the dough from the bag, place on a chopping board and slice very thinly. Place on the baking paper. They will puff up ever so slightly, but shouldn’t spread out too much when baked.

If you want, you can give them a dab with milk or egg yolk. Then if you want to be very fancy add a sprinkling of:

  • Nigella seeds (they look fantastic, sooty-black)
  • paprika powder
  • rosemary
  • cumin seeds
  • sesame seeds
  • or whatever you have on hand

Bake for about 5-10 minutes. Keep an eye on them after 5 minutes. They should be golden around the edges. Remove from the oven and put on a cooling rack. They’ll harden up as they cool. Enjoy immediately or put into a tupperware box.

These are the Cheese Crisps DD7 made. Good job I took a photo of them, cos they have now mysteriously disappeared! πŸ˜‰

Bon appΓ©tit! πŸ™‚