Those Crazy (Lego building) Danes

I took the kids to Legoland at the weekend.  Did you play with legos as a child?  I did.  My Mum and Dad in Scotland still have the box and it’s the first thing that’s dragged out when there are any kids visiting.  My own two have a huge box of the stuff.  Not to mention a large box of Duplos, in the basement, which we keep for any young kids who are visiting us.  Oh my word, I’m turning into my parents! ;D

And though I don’t do much building these days, I’m always amazed what you can build out of it.  As you’d expect from Legoland, there are plenty of ‘classic’ pieces to look at: pirates, miniature towns from around the globe, airports complete with moving planes, windmills, farms, wild animals, Mount Rushmore, sea creatures, NASA, rockets, Egyptian pyramids, pirates, soldiers, etc, etc, etc.

Famous for his fairytales – Hans Christian Andersen

But this year, there is a new addition to the park.  Scenes from Star Wars.  I ♥ Star Wars!  And I especially ♥ Han Solo [swoons].  DS11 was most interested by the scenes from Star Wars episodes 1-3 (the films he grew up with).

I’m guessing this is a scene from Star Wars “The Phantom Menace”,

but will need to check with DS11

Whereas I’m old-school and prefer episodes 4-6.  Here’s my own favourite scene…the bar at Mos Eisley!

If you press a button, the Cantina Band starts playing.  Yeargh! ;D

DD9 enjoyed her lunch which – naturally – included Lego-shaped chips.

But the prize for the most unusual Lego construction of the day must surely go to this.  A bare bottom!  Trust those crazy Danes to slip that one in there ;D

I’m off to hunt down a load of yellow bricks…  Have a terrific Tuesday! 🙂