What’s for dinner? Flylady Menu Planning

What’s for dinner this week at Casa Copenhagen? We are heading into one of the busiest weeks of the year! Graduation, work, end of term, Sankt Hans Aften (midsummer “bonfire night”), my birthday – plus a lot of other events… Fun but so very hectic! In order to save my sanity and avoid that feeling of clinging on to the merry-go-round with my bare knuckles, I’m keeping things very basic this week. Including making sure that I get a little bit of pamper time (or self-preservation time, as I like to call it) every single day. Without fail. Copenhagen weather is fairly sunny and warm this week which also means we’ll be able to eat outside on our newly oiled deck (one of my “Making the Most of May” projects), woo hoo!

If I don’t specify in my menu plan, our side dishes are usually a fresh veggie platter (tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, broccoli florets, etc) or a spinach salad. One evening per week is usually leftovers or some simple smørrebrød (Danish rye bread with toppings) or we use up what we have left in the fridge, making it into a quiche or an omelet. When you’re menu planning, remember to K.I.S.S. – “Keep it simple, sweetie”!

Spaghetti Bolognese, aka pasta med kødsovs in Danish. I use a jar of Dolmio sauce – quick and simple. Garlic bread and veggies on the side. One of my “go to” meals when life is hectic: I keep all the ingredients in my freezer pantry.

Jennifer Joyce’s My Asian Kitchen

Nasi Goreng (fried rice with veggies and crispy fried egg). We’ll be using the recipe from Jennifer Joyce’s My Asian Kitchen

Homemade tuna and sweetcorn quiche with new baby potatoes and beetroot.

Butter roasted Thai chicken

Butter roasted Thai chicken served with rice. This is one of the recipes we made a few weeks ago from Emily Kydd’s Quick + Simple = Delicious book.

Emily Kydd

Homemade Croque Madame, an eternal classic. It’s a variation of Croque Monsieur, topped with a fried egg. Big fresh green salad on the side.

Chicken Cæsar Salad (with leftover boiled potatoes), using a bag of ready cooked chicken from the freezer. Cæsar dressing is very simple to mix together and I always have all the dressing ingredients ready to go in my fridge/pantry.

Enjoy your week! And remember to dry out your sink/close the kitchen when you’ve finished your dinner…


