Oh My (Danish) GOSH!

I bought some nail varnish the other day.  Okay, nothing new in that.  But I’m on to my fourth bottle of the same colour. Surely this is some sort of female record?  I mean, hands up all those that have a bathroom cabinet of half-used bottles?  You know what I mean.  The colour isn’t quite right/it chips easily/it was a gift from a friend/it’s an expensive brand, bla, bla, bla.  But you can’t quite bear to part with the bottle because – hey – you might need precisely that colour for another occasion?  Guilty as charged! 😛

But I love this particular varnish and have used up Every Single Last Drop of the the first three bottles.  Two coats and you are good to go for almost a week.  Yep, as a winterbather/gardener, I can certainly vouch for its hardiness…  The colour is called “Peachy” (number 570) and it’s by GOSH.  My 16 year old (you know how picky they can be) Scottish niece even complimented me on the colour – and wanted her own bottle 😉

Here comes the science Danish bit!  Yep, did you know GOSH was Danish?  I’ve been using their makeup for years but had no idea.  The penny only dropped when I saw that they had a new range in collaboration with the Danish singer Medina. Now, Medina is certainly a style icon and a bit of a diva. But, as she rarely sings in Danish, I couldn’t see that anyone outside of Denmark would know who she was.  Let alone want to use her for advertising.  Ah, so GOSH is a Danish company?  Starts to make sense…

But, as usual, I digress!  Yep, they do a great line in affordable makeup (à la Rimmel and Maybelline).  A great mix of classic and funky colours.  And selvfølgelig all wrapped up in trademark Danish streamlined design packaging.  And – hey – you might also want to check out their fabulous pink varnish, number 569.    Yep, I’m already on my third bottle of “Flamingo” 😉

Diane 🙂