Those Crazy Danes or Dianes?

Before we got our swanky new kitchen (you do remember our kitchen remodel at the end of last year, don’t you…all three months of it?) – at which point my entire collection of kitsch fridge magnets were henceforth banished to a sedate, lonely life on the door of the ancient extra fridge in the basement – I used to have this on permanent display in the kitchen…

It was given to me by my good friend P. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he discovered it in a little shop in, if my memory serves me right, the US of A. Must have been Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe? Goodness knows what American fridge magnet makers have against the Danes – or Danish spouses to be exact? 😉 Anyway, P felt, naturally, that it was his duty to buy it for me.

And I was happy to display it. It certainly gave me a good ‘tee-hee’ everytime I spotted it 🙂

Until one fine day when my Mum and Dad from Scotland were visiting us. Mum misread it as ‘Pray for me, I’m married to Diane’… Thanks, Mum.

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! 🙂