
Can you spare me 10 minutes? I’m here with your Monday Motivation!

A new week, a fresh start and – as always – I’m here for you with 10 minutes of Monday motivation! Can you spare me 10 minutes? Happy Monday from Copenhagen where I am guiding you through a 10-minute declutter in the current Flylady Zones. Simple weekly habits for a cozy minimalist home… I found…

Weekend on the horizon! Is life working for you?

Feeling a bit under the weather the past couple of days (not sure if it’s a spring cold or all the pollen…) but I’m here with our weekly round-up! Enjoy your weekend and have fun with this week’s self-care missions! Which ones will you choose? And here’s my list with IDEAS of what to do…

Have you given up? Or are you ready to THRIVE? Weekly Plan with Me!

Have you given up or are you ready to THRIVE? Happy Friday – we made it to the end of another week! Today’s YouTube video is our cozy planning chat! I’m here as your personal Routines Coach to make it easy and doable! Enjoy your weekend and have fun with this week’s self-care missions! Which…


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About Me

Diane in Denmark here! Your virtual cheerleander and a bright spot in your day! You can find me on YouTube and Instagram.