Menu planning Thursday – 8 October 2009 + recipe Porridge Pancakes

We’re soon off to Scotland to see my Mum and Dad (yippee) so just a half-week of planning. And then an easy peasy recipe for my Porridge Pancakes.


  • Didn’t use chicken last night (plans changed) so using it today for Baked Teriyaki Chicken. Doubling the sauce, because I <3 sauce! Serving with sugarsnap peas and egg noodles.


  • Making Crockpot Lasagne. Don’t think I’ll ever go back to using an oven for lasagne again! Just put together in the morning and let cook all day – doesn’t burn! 😉 Krista gave me the idea for using the crock. I adapt her recipe slightly and use what I have on hand. And if I want to make it super simple, I just fry the mince and add a jar of Dolmio tomato sauce 😉 Her recipe is here. Just scroll down the page. She even has some dinky menu cards, so just hit ‘print’ and run off to your kitchen!


  • My (sweetie) DBIL is coming to look after the DKs tonight. DH and I (and some friends) are dining out at a special event… A chef from San Francisco is in Copenhagen and doing some special dinners, profits to the Red Cross. You can read all about it at


  • Leftovers of the Crockpot Lasagne and all the salad/veggies we can eat…because we need to clean out the fridge before we leave for Scotland. DH is staying at home, but as he hasn’t been in a kitchen for over 10 years, I’m not expecting him to suddenly go wild and get his apron on 😉


Have been tinkering with various recipes for a healthy pancake for the cold, winter mornings. And as I’m the shortcut Queen, I wanted something that involves no effort and items that I always have on hand. Had them for breakfast this morning and the DKs gave them thumbs up:

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups (1pint) porridge oats
  • 1-2 cups flour (wholemeal, rye, plain white…whatever you have)
  • 1 cup (½ pint) puréed apple/applesauce from a jar
  • about 1 cup (½pint) milk (we still drink cow’s…gasp!)
  • 2 eggs

Take your shower and get dressed to shoes. Dump the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Finish drying your hair and put on your makeup.

Put your frying pan on to heat up – I have a non-stick one from Ikea. No fat required. Mix your mixture thoroughly, add a bit more milk if necessary, and drop spoonfuls into the pan. I managed to get five little ones in there at a time. Make sure the fryingpan isn’t too hot, because they brown very quickly. Flip over when bubbles appear on the surface. Serve with your favourite toppings (we used sugar/maple syrup/jam), prepare for adulation and bon appétit! ðŸ˜‰