Pancakes Galore – Shrove Tuesday

Today’s Shrove Tuesday (if you don’t know what that is, wikipedia has all the background).  When I was a child, Shrove Tuesday meant that we got pancakes for tea.  Guess what my kids are getting for dessert tonight?

I’ll be using my granny’s (frugal with a capital F…) pancake recipe.  A recipe which I’ve been using for over 30 years.  Eek – I feel old!  I’ve blogged granny’s recipe before but am reposting today in case you missed it first time around.  Come flip with me? ðŸ™‚

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Here’s my (dearly departed) Granny’s pancake recipe. I must have written it down around 1981 because it’s written on the same pink paper I used to write down the lyrics to “Vienna” by Ultravox – which was a whole blogpost in itself! 😉

The recipe makes about 10 small, fairly thin pancakes – the type we call ‘dropped scones’ in Scotland – which is just enough for me and the kids’ breakfast (we eat them after we’ve had our müsli/porridge oats). If you like your pancakes bigger and thinner, add more milk. If you want smaller ‘blini’ style pancakes, use a bit more flour. If you want them fatter, add a teeny bit of baking powder. And if you want more pancakes, double or triple the recipe! ;D

You’ll need:

  • 4oz or 100g or 4 heaped tablespoons plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of oil (doesn’t matter which kind)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 pint or 1/2 cup of milk

Beat the ingredients together with a fork or whisk. Pour small ladlefuls of the mixture into a hot frying pan. I can normally get three or four of them into the pan at a time. Flip them over when they look ‘dry’ on the top and finish cooking. Repeat until you’re done then…bon appétit!

Happy Shrove Tuesday – hope it’s a flippin’ good one! 🙂

Fan-flippin-tastic – Granny’s Pancakes

If you’ve been reading my posts regularly, you’ll know that I’ve been extending my breakfast repertoire. I’ve been setting the alarm clock (well, the ‘harp’ on my iPhone) to wake me 10 minutes earlier than usual and wowing the kids with a more exciting brekkie.

Here’s my (dearly departed) Granny’s pancake recipe. I must have written it down around 1981 because it’s written on the same pink paper I used to write down the lyrics to “Vienna” by Ultravox – which was a whole blogpost in itself! 😉

The recipe makes about 10 small, fairly thin pancakes – the type we call ‘dropped scones’ in Scotland – which is just enough for me and the kids’ breakfast (we eat them after we’ve had our müsli/porridge oats). If you like your pancakes bigger and thinner, add more milk. If you want smaller ‘blini’ style pancakes, use a bit more flour. If you want them fatter, add a teeny bit of baking powder. And if you want more pancakes, double the recipe! 😉

You’ll need:

  • 4oz or 100g or 4 heaped tablespoons plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of oil (doesn’t matter which kind)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 pint or 1/2 cup of milk

Beat the ingredients together with a fork or whisk. Pour small ladlefuls of the mixture into a hot frying pan. I can normally get three or four of them into the pan at a time. Flip them over when they look ‘dry’ on the top and finish cooking. Repeat until you’re done then…bon appétit!

Hope you have a simply super Saturday! 🙂