Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow?

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow?  It may only be the start of November but today – Friday 7 November –  is the official start of Christmas in Denmark.  Tonight at 8.59pm precisely the first ‘snow’ will fall: the snow in question being wet but not exactly white, more of a pale brown…  It’s the launch of Tuborg’s Christmas beer – called julebryg (‘yule brew’) or jule øl (‘yule beer’).  And the day is therefore nicknamed J-Dag (‘J-Day’)  It all started back in 1990, when the Christmas brew was traditionally launched on the second Wednesday of November.  But, because so many students were hung over on the Thursday (hic!), Tuborg were forced in 1999 to move the launch to the first Friday of November… 😉

If you watch Danish tv, you’ll already be familiar with the iconic advert from Tuborg   Coca cola lorry go home! 😛

Skål og glædelig jul!  Or should I say, Glædelig Jul og godt tub’år!  So, who’s ready for a beer?  We make these ‘reindeers’ every year – cute, non?  And – since it’s Friday – here’s a joke…  Me: What has antlers, pulls Father Christmas’ sleigh and is made of cement?  [You: I don’t know.]  Me: A reindeer!  [You: Um, but what about the cement?]  Me: I just threw that in to make it hard. Boom, boom! 😀

Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Diane 🙂

My Danish Christmas Advent Calendar – 10 December

Welcome to My Danish Christmas Advent Calendar!  Join me every day in opening a new door.  Just like last year, I’ve got a host of goodies to share with you – traditional Danish Christmas recipes, traditions, songs, games, decorations, crafts and landscapes…  So sit back, relax and enjoy!


With all this julehygge (Christmas fun and coziness), I’m getting mighty thirsty, so let’s talk beer!  Beer is called øl.  Christmas beer is called juleøl or julebryg (‘Yule brew’).  And thisadvert from Tuborgis an essential part of Danish Christmas – yep, the coca cola lorry can go take a hike! 😉

So who’s ready for a beer?  Here’s a basket of beer that I always buy for my Dad at Christmas.  It’s an ‘advent calendar’.  Twenty-four different bottles of Danish Christmas beer.  One for every day of December…hic! :)


If you live in Denmark, you’ll know that beer and sodas are sold in glass bottles.  There’s a deposit system on most of the bottles – so don’t throw your money away by throwing them into the recycling containers!  (Tin cans also have a deposit on them, so you need to be careful with those too.)  At traditional Danish lunches where we eat ryebread with lots of toppings, beer and snaps – and which can literally last for hours on end – you’ll see lots (and lots…) of beer or soda/soft drink bottles on the table.  Now you can, of course, just plonk the bottles on the table.  But in my family, we like to add a little bit of extra flair… ;)

How about putting an apron on your bottles?  My DDDMIL (Dearly-Departed-Dear-Danish-Mother-in-Law) made me a whole set of these in different Christmas fabrics.  Kitsch but quaint!

And the kids and I turned these beer bottles into reindeers!  (Also a great way to decorate bottles that you’re giving to an uncle, colleague, etc.)

Hmmmm, I think that calls for a Tuborg?

Skål og glædelig jul!  Or should I say, Glædelig Jul og godt tub’år!

And don’t forget to check back here tomorrow when we open the next door!

Diane :)