What’s up, Scaredy Cats?

Have you seen all the fantastic Scaredy Cat Challenges we have going on? There’s something for everyone!

Asfora, Lesley, Sheryl, JoAnna are all working on improving their bodies – losing weight, exercising, drinking more water, running. You name it, they’re doing it! Sheila is exercising and meal planning. Sara is using the Flylady system, Sam is decluttering the Flylady way and Liz is ‘not procrastinating’ the Flylady way! 🙂 Candace started off with a sewing challenge but is now in full swing with Rage Against The Wardrobe. Animals can find shelter at Teri‘s home while Ms Caboo is trying to find a place in her home for her books! And Leeis flexing her muscles and taking on both the house and garden… 🙂

I’ve come up with my own new personal Scaredy Cat Challenge to take me through autumn and into winter. Anything which speeds us the passing of autumn is a definite plus in my book – I don’t like autumn – wah! ;D

I’m giving my creative vibe free rein and have signed up for – not one – but TWO, classes!

My sweetie blog friend and twister Candace suggested “The Art of Silliness 2”. And, as Candace has impeccably good taste and a fantastic sense of humour, how could I resist?  ;D  It’s an online course in drawing, puzzles and…general silliness And couldn’t we all do with a bit more of that in our daily lives? If you’re interested, you can take a look and sign up at Carla Sonheim’s blog which is right here.

I’ve also signed up for the rather more genteel pursuit of piano classes. So if you happen to live anywhere in my vicinity…run for your lives! I think my desire to learn piano comes from reading too many novels where the heroine sits (wistfully) at the piano and tinkles away, to the obvious delight of all gathered.  [Note to self: buy suitable 19th century frock for musical soirées during the festive season… ;D]  Or maybe it’s because I’ve always wanted to sit down, kick off my shoes and play this? (Complete with a glass of chilled bubbly perched on top of the old joanna for me to swig on between solos.) The pianist really gets started at 2mins and 42 seconds…

Would you like to join us? Want to try something but haven’t got the courage to start?

What are you waiting for? Let’s hold hands and be scared together! Just link up with the Linky below and let’s get started… 😀

POSTSCRIPT: I just read that the christian name of my new piano teacher is…’Odd’!  😀