What do you need to hear today? Hygge Life Chat, Thanksgiving, Christmas, December exercise

Happy Tuesday! Hygge life chat time! What do you need to hear today? Thanksgiving and Christmas overwhelm, December exercise, self-care and Flylady Zone 4 tips… Let’s chat! You can find the Christmas planning playlist here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIYCyTLBED85Vuyz5VJCbFrio3FcsLMS

What do you need to hear today? Hygge Life Chat!

I mention a video from last year which gives you a practical action plan if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Here it is!

Coping this Christmas – 4 point action list!

I have a whole series on YouTube with the Q & A format… Use this link https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIYCyTLBED9fh1uPZwhq68Lx3pEXuPRm

And I’m always here to help you with building Daily Routines – here’s my Flylady Refresher Course playlist

Have a wonderful day and keep putting one foot in front of the other!

LLAP! Hugs!
