Menu plan nr.101 – Thursday 29 March 2012

Can I have a drumroll, please?  I’m proud to report – and quite staggered to discover – that this is my 101th menu plan.   Woo hoo!  Three cheers for Flylady!  I guess I’ve finally got that Flylady habit down pat?!  A celebration is most certainly in order but, as I try not to drink alcohol from Sunday to Thursday, I shall patiently wait until tomorrow night to have an extra glass of red wine! ;o)

Menu planning…it all started with a shiny sink and a purple Flylady rag! 😀

Anyway, y’all know how this menu plan works – our grocery bill came to Danish kr. 1153 (roughly UK £129 or US $205.  Here’s what we’re eating at Casa Copenhagen this week:

*  Pea, garlic and parmesan bruschetta (Nigella Lawson recipe) and Chicken Nacho Grills with guacamole and a mixed green salad, Marcipan Cake (Nigella Lawson) – on a night that we had Danish family over for dinner 🙂

Pea bruschetta

*  Readymade pizza (from Ikea) or takeaway and icecream – on a night that DH is away and the kids and I are having a cosy night in with a Dr. Who marathon… 🙂

*  A Greek-inspired rice salad that I tossed together – prawn, red onion, olive, fresh basil, tomato, dried oregano and feta cheese

*  Leftover night (I always make sure to make too much of the Chicken Nacho Grills, so that there are leftovers…)

Pasta med kødsovs/spaghetti bolognese/pasta with meatsauce – because poor DS12 has just had a brace fitted and can’t eat anything too hard! ;o)

*  Pork chops – will probably do them with Krista’s Glazed Pork Chops recipe (children love them – me too!) and serve them with egg noodles and homemade raw carrot/red cabbage/coriander slaw

Bon appétit!

Have a thoroughly thrilling Thursday! 🙂