2 thoughts on “Flylady Routines – The Seven Day Challenge – Day Five!”

  1. Morning routine done. Control Journal – not at the present time. I've used it off and on over the years. It does have a prominent place in the living room so all can find it for phone numbers, etc. Sometimes I'll use it every day for months and then give it a rest. Country to Visit – I'd like to go to Ireland as there be me' roots, and to take Hubs to Scotland, as there be his'n! On another note for those who wonder if this Flylady thing works. My son decided to change his long dresser for a chest of drawers to take up less real estate in his room. So we bought a used one (new to us) and had the old one up for sale. Around 9 pm last night a lady wanted to come look at it. YES, the house is clean, come on. She came, I was still dressed to shoes by chance and was easily able to let her in. I didn't have to straighten one pile or move anything out of the room. All was in good shape! SOLD!!! GO us!!! ~~K.D., in thunder storming Cherokee Nation, OK.

  2. Oh, and I so enjoyed seeing your lovely, pleasant office. It looks a happy yellow paint job??? Mine is a buttery yellow. Makes me happy every time I walk in. Luv Luv LURV your bunny clock! ~~K.D.

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