Scaredy Cat Challenge – Paperchase!

If you look at the very bottom of this post, you’ll see a MckLinky list of links. These are all the current Scaredy Cat Challenges being taken by my FLYfriends (Flylady friends) and Twisters (Twitter sisters). Go and take a look at what they’re doing. And, please, if you enjoy reading their blogposts, won’t you take a teeny tiny moment to leave them a comment? We’re just amateur bloggers. Sharing our thoughts (and a little glimpse of our world) with you. As well as looking after our kids, keeping the house running, holding down day jobs and whatever else life throws at us… Your comments really do give us the spark to keep writing! 🙂

This week I’m starting a new Scaredy Cat Challenge. I’m joining Sam (@Sippies71 on twitter) on her paper clutter/filing challenge. I’ve come really far with the Flylady programme and routines but (that pesky) paperwork is my Achilles heel… I’ll be celebrating my 4th anniversary with Flyady in August – so, with that in mind, it’s time to finally tame that paper tiger once and for all! 😉

Have a Scaredy Cat Challenge of your own? Or do you want to join in on one of ours? Then come on down…let’s hold hands and be scared together! 🙂

Have a simply super Sunday!

4 thoughts on “Scaredy Cat Challenge – Paperchase!”

  1. I'm going to join you in the paper clutter Scaredy Cat Challenge this week! I have a huge stack of paper in my kitchen and 2 baskets full of papers in my office.

  2. I detest paper work and filing – reminds me of a job I used to have. But I suppose I could spare a few 15 min sessions here and there to get the cupboard into something recognisable instead of the dumping ground it has gradually become! 😀

  3. Monday is here already…setting my timer for 15 minutes – here I go!

    Good luck to us all! 🙂

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