Good evening Vienna from Wonderful Copenhagen

I got a tweet this morning from Eddie Izzard. He retweeted this:

It’s a campaign to get the song “Vienna” by Ultravox to the number one spot in Great Britain. They were cheated at the post in 1981 by that irritating song “Shaddup You Face” by Joe Dolce. (Warning: Don’t think about that irritating too long – you won’t be able to get it out of your head again.)

I came across this little pink piece of paper (in an old recipe file) when I was doing one of my Flyladydecluttering sessions…

“Vienna”, handwritten, complete with my own attempts to decipher the lyrics and – what a clever little girl I was – no spelling mistakes! Ahhhh, for the old days. When ironing was something your Mum did 😉

Have a fabulous Friday! 🙂

PS: Don’t forget to join the campaign!!!