Anyone for Wii? Part 2

I think this WiiFit and I are going to become firm friends. And I’m not just saying that because yesterday, when I retook my body test, it adjusted my WiiFit age from 71 to 34….that’s eight years YOUNGER than I actually am! LOL

No, it seems like it’s going to be a great supplement to the exercise I’m already doing with the NEWO system Go check out Jonathan Roche’s website, there are free workouts, recipes and training tips.

I heard about Jonathan Roche via (suprise, surprise!) the Flylady and couldn’t resist the lure of his “6 minute” strength training exercise. As Jonathan says, if you’ve got 6 minutes to watch TV or spend on the computer, you’ve got 6 minutes to do this workout! Want to try?

I also try to fit in 3 interval workouts every week. I don’t have a gym membership any longer (prefer my own music…), instead I go running twice a week in the park with some other schoolmums and mow the lawn (or #lawnmothering as I like to call it on one to two times a week. Now, mowing the lawn may not sound much of a workout to you, but my heartrate monitor tells a different story 😉

You can google interval training, but basically it means pushing your body for, say, 3 minutes, and then recovering for 1 minute. So if you like biking, you cycle like mad for 3 minutes and slow down for 1. Or if you like walking, you powerwalk for 3 and go at a leisurely pace for 1. You get the idea. Repeat about 4 times, or as required. My interval workouts usually last 30-45 minutes.

So, back to the WiiFit… I tried the ‘muscle’ exercises and worked my way through lifts, pushups, lunges and squats. Very similar to what I’m doing now, but with the advantage of being able to put in your own number of reps. And, judging by the way my thighs feel this morning, this thing actually works.